Τρίτη 13 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Hecate rox!

Ψάχνοντας κάτι τελείως άσχετο στο νετ βρήκα ενα άρθρο για την αρχαία θεά Εκάτη, απ' το όνομα της οποίας βγαίνει το Κατερίνα (βάλανε και οι Ρωμαίοι το χεράκι τους βεβαίως βεβαίως και απο κει που σήμαινε "Η Απόμακρη" κατέληξε να είναι "Η Αγνή"... Ου, να χαθήτε, να χαθήτε, να χάνεστε...) Επίσης, Hecate είναι το username μου στο τιμημένο HarryWorld. Το άρθρο είναι στα αγγλικά και βαριέμαι αφόρητα να το μεταφράσω, άστε που έτσι δείχνει καλύτερο.

Hecate, Greek Goddess of The Crossroads

Hecate, Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft -- once a widely revered and influential goddess, the reputation of Hecate has been tarnished over the centuries. In current times, she is usually depicted as a "hag" or old witch stirring the cauldron.

But nothing could be further from the image of Hecate's original glory.

A beautiful and powerful goddess in her own right, the Greek goddess Hecate was the only one of the ancient Titans who Zeus allowed to retain their authority once the Olympians seized control. Zeus shared with Hecate, and only her, the awesome power of giving humanity anything she wished (or withholding it if she pleased).

Usually classified as a "moon goddess", her kingdoms were actually three-fold . . . the earth, sea, and sky. Having the power to create or withhold storms undoubtedly played a role in making her the goddess who was the protector of shepherds and sailors.

A lover of solitude, the Greek goddess Hecate was, like her cousin Artemis, a "virgin" goddess, unwilling to sacrifice her independent nature for the sake of marriage. Walking the roads at night or visiting cemeteries during the dark phase of the moon, the goddess Hecate was described as shining or luminous.

In other legends she is invisible, perhaps only glimpsed as a light, a "will-o-the-wisp". Perhaps it was this luminous quality that marked Hecate as a "moon goddess", for she seemed quite at home on the earth.

Some scholars believe it is also was because her mother was Asteria (the Titan goddess of the Shining Light or "Star") or perhaps it was because she sensibly always carried a torch on her journeys.

Like Artemis, Hecate was usually depicted with her sacred dogs, although Hecate and even her animals, were sometimes said to have three heads and that they could see in all directions. Although usually depicted as a beautiful woman having three human heads, some images are fearsome indeed (one with a snake's head, one with a horse's, and the third a boar's head).

This farsightedness, the ability to see in several directions at once (even the past, present, and future) featured largely in her most famous myth, the abduction of Persephone. For it was the goddess Hecate who "saw" and told the frantic Demeter what had become of her daughter.

The goddess Hecate continued to play an important role in the life of Persephone, becoming her confidante when she was in the Underworld. Hades, thankful for their friendship, was more than hospitable, honoring Hecate as a prominent and permanent guest in the spirit world. Surely this had the effect of enhancing her reputation as a spirit of black magic with the power to conjure up dreams, prophecies, and phantoms.

Hecate's ability to see into the Underworld, the "otherworld" of the sleeping and the dead, made her comfortable and tolerant in the company of those most would shun out of fear or misunderstanding.

In her role as 'Queen of the Night', sometimes traveling with a following of "ghosts" and other social outcasts, she was both honored and feared as the protectress of the oppressed and of those who lived "on the edge". In Rome many of the priests in her sacred groves were former slaves who had been released to work in her service.

The goddess Hecate was often accompanied on her travels by an owl, a symbol of wisdom. Not really known as a goddess of wisdom, per se, Hecate is nevertheless recognized for a special type of knowledge and is considered to be the goddess of trivia.

Hecate's farsightedness and attention to detail, combined with her extraordinary interest in that which most of us discount as irrelevant or arcane, gave her tremendous powers.

She knew what the rest of us did not.

Not surprisingly, the people thought it best to give the goddess Hecate (and any friends that might be accompanying her) a lot of honor and a fairly wide berth. When darkness descended they wisely retired to the fireside for supper, but put the leftovers outside as an offering to Hecate and her hounds.

That the homeless and destitute were often the actual beneficiaries hardly mattered...after all, they were under Hecate's protection.

In a similar fashion, food was often left at the crossroads to honor Hecate, especially at junctions where three roads converged --what we often call a "Y-intersection".

Frequently a pole was erected at the intersection and three masks would be hung from it to pay homage to Hecate and to request her guidance in helping to choose the right direction.

Three-faced masks also adorned the entrances of many homes, honoring the goddess Hecate who could, of course, wield her influence over "the spirits that traveled the earth" to keep them from entering the household.

It is hardly surprising that a woman who needed to make a trip alone at night would say a brief prayer to Hecate to seek her protection. The goddess Hecate, like her cousin Artemis, was known as a protector of women, especially during childbirth.

Not only was Hecate called upon to ease the pains and progress of a woman's labor, but especially to protect and restore the health and growth of a child.

Similarly, Hecate played a role that, in contemporary times, we would describe as "hospice nurse", helping the elderly make a smooth and painless passage into the next life and staying with them, if need be, in the otherworld to help prepare them for their eventual return to the earth in their next life.

Familiar with the process of death and dying as well as that of new birth and new life, the goddess Hecate was wise in all of earth's mysteries.

The Greek goddess Hecate reminds us of the importance of change, helping us to release the past, especially those things that are hindering our growth, and to accept change and transitions. She sometimes asks us to let go of what is familiar, safe, and secure and to travel to the scary places of the soul.

New beginnings, whether spiritual or mundane, aren't always easy. But Hecate is there to support and show you the way.

She loans her farsightedness for you to see what lies deeply forgotten or even hidden, and helps you make a choice and find your path. Oft times she shines her torch to guide you while you are in dreams or meditation.

Hecate teaches us to be just and to be tolerant of those who are different or less fortunate, yet she is hardly a "bleeding heart", for Hecate dispenses justice "blindly" and equally.

Whether the Greek goddess Hecate visits us in waking hours or only while we sleep, she can lead us to see things differently (ourselves included) and help us find greater understanding of our selves and others.

Although her name may mean "The Distant One", Hecate is always close at hand in times of need, helping us to release the old, familiar ways and find our way through new beginnings.

Δεν είμαι θεά? Δεν είμαι απίστευτη? Δεν είμαι κατά 90% αυτή που περιγράφει το άρθρο?

Δεν είμαι ψώνιο?

ΥΓ. Επειδή από δω και πέρα θα είμαι πολύ απασχολημένη (τρομάρα μ') και δεν ξέρω αν θα μπαίνω συχνά, να μου ταΐζετε τα ψαρια (πάνω αριστερά). Το μπλε είναι λιγο ηλίθιο οπότε να ταΐσετε στα άλλα και μόλις αυτά πανε να φάνε και το μπλε μείνει μόνο του να του βάλετε φαγητό 2 με 3 χιλιοστά μπροστά του και να περιμένετε να το φάει όλο πριν φύγετε. Σοβαρά τώρα.

Κυριακή 20 Σεπτεμβρίου 2009

Blogthings Make My Life Average

Γύρισα! Δεν ξέρω για πόσο... Μη με ρωτήσετε...

Με συνοπτικές διαδικασίες το γυρίζω στα Ελληνικά (και μάλιστα με τόνους... Που σαι μάνα να με δεις!) επειδή τα 3 αγγλόφωνα καμάρια μου διαβάζουν το ημερίσιο ποσοστό των σκέψεων μου στο ΜSN οπότε ποιος ο λόγος να βιάζω τη γλώσσα...

Well, αφού έχω μπλογκ και σκοπεύω να το διατηρήσω αποφάσισα να επισκευθώ το blogthings.com μπας και βρω κανένα ωραίο έξυπνο τεστάκι για να βάλω εδώ. Αντιθέτως, έκανα γυρω στα 576 άκυρα, καμένα τεστ και ανακάλυψα τα εξής συναρπαστικά και εξαιρετικά σημαντικά πράγματα για μένα:
  1. Το όνομα μου ειναι κόκκινο
  2. Το ίδιο και η αύρα μου...
  3. Αν ζουσα στα 30's θα ήμουν απαίσια σύζυγος
  4. Γενικότερα θα ήμουν απαίσια σύζηγος...
  5. Πρέπει να περάσω την υπόλοιπη ζωή μου φορόντας μωβ κραγιόν
  6. ...και ακριβά εσώρουχα
  7. Eίμαι sociopath!
  8. ...και κατά 78% μισάνθρωπος!
  9. Φοράω ιδιο νούμερο σουτιέν με την Αντζελίνα Τζολί...
  10. I am a BAD date! Όταν έβγαλα αυτό το αποτέλεσμα αποφάσισα να παίξω λίγο και έτσι γύρισα πίσω και άλλαξα τις απαντήσεις μου. 30 φορές. Και το αποτέλεσμα ήταν παντα το ίδιο: "You are a BAD date". Ήμουν σε έξαλλη κατάσταση μέχρι που συνηδητοποίησα οτί έτσι και αλλιώς σιχαίνομαι το κόνσεπτ του ραντεβού...
  11. Είμαι ομελέτα!
  12. Είμαι 80% έτοιμη για γάμο... Ζομγκ, ΤΣΔ?!?!?! Ακατάλληλη για σύζυγος, ριμέμπερ? (ΤΣΔ=Τι Στο Διάλο, για να μην λένε τα αμερικανάκια οτι έχουν το WTF και μεις δεν έχουμε :Ρ)
  13. Επικοινώνω σαν άντρας. Οκ, εδώ έχω να πω οτι το τεστ ήταν εντελώς σεξιστικό. Οι απαντήσεις που είχε σε κάθε ερώτηση ήταν μια λογική και μια τραβηγμένη απ' τα μαλλιά.
  14. Κατάγομαι απ΄τον Ερμή. Τον πλανήτη.
  15. Eίμαι 84% ασυνήθηστη, για την ακρίβεια είμαι απλά αλλόκοτη και έχω χάσει κάθε επαφή. Go Luna!
  16. Το σλόγκαν μου είναι Cate. Stronger Than pain. < Σίριουσλι!
  17. Είμαι γενναία (το κριτίριο του τεστ ήταν τι χρώμα κάλτσες φοράω...)
  18. Η συνταγή για το κοκτέιλ της προσωπικότητας μου είναι 3 μέρη ιδιοφυία,2 μέρη σαρκασμός, 1 μέρος κομψότητα και μία δόση υπεροχή. Προτιμούμαι να πίνομαι αργά αργά στην παραλία.
  19. Αν ήμουν 2α γυμνασιου στην Αμερική θα περνούσα τα ισπανικά, τη γεωγραφία, τα μαθηματικά, τη φυσική αλλα με καμία δύναμη την ιστορία...
  20. Αν ήμουν Αγγλίδα αριστοκράτισσα θα με έλεγαν Lady Octavia Celeste Lexington.
  21. Αν ήμουν κόρη κάποιου σελέμπριτι θα με έλεγαν Starlite Persephone.
  22. Aν ήμουν πειρατίνα θα με έλεγαν Surgeon Janie Jalibird. Γιαρρρρρρ!
  23. Αν ήμουν Υπερηρωίδα θα με έλεγαν Star Fighter. Η υπερδύναμη μου θα ηταν η τηλεπάθεια, η αδυναμιά μου ο Βινς Βον, το όπλο μου ένα μπαζούκα και θα μετακινούμουν με φυσαλίδες...
  24. Αν ήμουν Υπερ-Κακιά θα με έλεγαν Stormy Viper. Μουα χα χα χα χα!
  25. Αν ήμουν χαρακτήρας σαπουνόπερας θα με έλεγαν Livia Dara Levery η 5η.
  26. Αν ήμουν άχρηστο Χριστουγεννιάτικο δώρο θα ήμουν βιβλίο αυτοψυχανάλυσης.
  27. Αν είχα καρούλια θα ήμουν τρόλει.
  28. Είμαι 73% εθισμένη στο blogthings.com. Λογικό μου φαίνεται αφού κάθισα και έκανα τα μισά τους τεστ...
Και αυτά είναι μόνο η κορυφή του παγόβουνου...

Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου 2009

First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life


My name is Kate(-rina), I'm 17 years old and I just finished school. I like photography, reading, writing, travelling and listening to music while jogging. I generaly don't like people and people don't like me because I'm awkward, I hate small talk [ramble]And I think you should agree with me. Talking about the weather/the sun/the colour of your kitchen counters is stupid. If you don't have something to say then just don't talk![/ramble] and most of the time I'm sarcastic, cynical and/or bored. I think the term is antisocial... I have a few friends though... 5 I can think of... I also don't like Greek schools, surprises, long denim skirts, fish and Internet Explorer...

I think this one is my forth blog. I'm the Start-Something-New-And-Then-Forget-About-It kind of person. I always want to write down my thoughts but when I start writing/typing I'm bored/I forget them/I have to do something else/the telephone rings/etc.

So, this is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm not going to be a socialite, I'm not going to talk more and think less, I just plan to write down any interesting, important, unusual, stupid thoughts I think (Think thoughts... I like that phrase...).

Why "Two Billion Thoughts"?
According to researches an average person can think up to 60.000 thoughts per day. The life expectancy for an average Greek female is 83 years. So, 60.000 x 365 x 83 = 1.817.700.000
And because it's lame to name a blog "One Billion Eight Hundred Seventeen Millions And Seven Hundred Thousant Thoughts" and I'm not average, here it is: Two Billion Thoughts.

Why in English?
Because I have to practice English since 10th grade and I almost forgot averything I knew.

Song: First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life - MxPx

End of pathetic first post...